Counselling Newbury

Newbury Counsellors and Therapists

Counselling Newbury Berkshire (RG14): The strains and stresses of everyday life can easily get on top of folks living in Newbury, and from time to time we may need a bit of help to carry on. Occasionally we require help to deal with recurring issues and sometimes a traumatic incident or situation will tip us over the line between coping and not coping. Newbury counsellors are available to take the strain when it seems we can no longer mentally cope with our current situation.

Counselling Enquiries Newbury Berkshire

Based on what they've learned through interactions with the client, an experienced counsellor will give opinions, viewpoints and guidance to help with the problem. In fact, a counsellor could be looked upon as a sort of life guide.

Counselling Newbury (RG14)

It is a sad fact of life that there'll always be distressing experiences that we can't escape from, and many come upon us without warning. So, when things such as abuse, the breaking down of a relationship, witnessing a distressing occurrence, the passing of a loved one or a period of depression happen, we have to face the situation and get through it. A qualified Newbury counsellor will guide you through the most painful times, when you realise that you can't really cope.

Of course there are numerous different types of counselling therapies available in Newbury and nearby, and the very first step should be to call and book a consultation, so that the counsellor and client can talk and get acquainted with each other. This enables the counsellor to ascertain the needs of the client, and the client to feel more comfortable during future counselling sessions.

Some of the most most prevalent mental problems which impact on a great number of individuals from all age groups in Newbury, for instance anger issues, anxiety, bad habits, lack of confidence and depression, can also be alleviated through counselling and psychotherapy.

Counsellors Newbury (01635)

Talking to a counsellor is a strategy for dealing with troubles and issues that you can struggle to manage without help. A counsellor isn't going to give advice, but helps a person understand their own plan of action to solve their own problems.

The confidentiality agreement between counsellor and client is extremely important and there must be a decent level of trust between the two of them. Chatting about and sharing situations which would normally be taboo, even with their closest family and friends, is something that only happens as that level of trust strengthens.

Counsellors in Newbury are often asked to help with the problem of panic attacks, and this is certainly a familiar condition these days. Recent surveys have shown that during any 4 week period, between 1% and 2% of the UK's has at least 4 separate attacks. A further 10% seek the assistance of a doctor or fellow professional, due to intermittent attacks that are considered severe enough to warrant treatment.

These are sobering figures, because if you're in a bustling store or bar, you are almost certainly in close proximity to an individual who suffers regularly from panic attacks. Therefore, it is obvious that if you are dealing with panic attacks you're far from alone in this. So, how can we cope with panic attacks?

The following list highlights a few of the things that could help you to regulate your panic attacks:

  • Be mindful of how much sugar and coffee you are consuming.
  • Try not to drink excessive amounts of tea, since this contains around half as much caffeine as coffee.
  • Food colourings can elevate the chances of panic attacks.
  • Lots of sufferers state they've gained benefits from learning relaxation techniques or doing yoga, and that certainly seems to be logical.
  • The way you think about attacks can bring them on, even to the extent that worrying about having an attack can be the cause of one. Consequently realising your own personal triggers can be extremely valuable.
  • Keeping a diary of the foods that you eat could help in establishing the ones that may be triggering panic attacks.

To give you power over the sensations that come before an attack it is vital to know the triggers and causes of your panic attacks might well give you an awareness of exactly what is occurring. Counselling should also give you better self-knowledge and self-understanding, and those are extremely formidable tools with regards to dealing with panic attacks, or moments of heightened awareness.

Counsellor Newbury Berkshire (RG14)

A specialist counsellor in Newbury is able to assist people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds and help with an extensive spectrum of troublesome issues that they may be encountering.

Psychotherapists and Counsellors, What's the Difference?

When seeking out help for one of the issues named above you will possibly run into individuals in Newbury who call themselves counsellors and those who are known as psychotherapists, so precisely what is the difference between these two? Well, generally speaking, the dividing line between these two skills is a bit hazy, but, to put it simply, counsellors will usually focus on the here and now of your current problems while a psychotherapist will dig much deeper into past happenings and the possible explanations why a problem has arisen.

For matters such as grief counselling, a counsellor is the right person to see, while for problems such as abuse or depression a psychotherapist in Newbury may be better.

Counselling Enquiries Newbury (01635)

Counselling is obviously accessible to everyone, and whether you live in Newbury itself, or one of the nearby villages and towns like Wash Common, Shaw, Westbrook, Snelsmore Common, Donnington, Cold Ash, Ashmore Green, Hunts Green, Wash Water, Newtown, Highclere, Stockcross, Inkpen, Greenham, Bagnor, Newtown Common, Adbury, Speen, Halfway, Benham Hill, Bucklebury, Boxford, Marsh Benham, Woolton Hill, Crockham Heath, Chieveley, Curridge, Winterbourne, Enborne, Thatcham, Hoe Benham, Upper Bucklebury, Woodspeen, you'll still be able to make full use of such services. Locally based Newbury counsellors will likely have the dialling code 01635 and the postcode RG14. Checking this should guarantee that you access locally based providers of counselling. Newbury residents will be able to utilise these and countless other counselling related services.

Marriage Counselling Newbury

Marriage Counselling Newbury UK

Families are the cornerstone of the society that we live in, and society overall benefits greatly from having families who are happy. Marriage counselling can help married couples in Newbury to build a stable and secure bond. Relationship issues are sometimes down to poor communication.

Marriage counselling can aid in the appeasement of their differences and issues. Helping to straighten out their marital problems, marriage counselling is a form of psychotherapy which is available to married couples in Newbury. One short counselling session can often be enough to resolve most marital problems, although some more severe issues may require extensive therapy. (Tags: Couples Counselling Newbury, Marriage Counselling Newbury, Relationship Counselling Newbury)

Online Counselling

Online Counselling Newbury

For those people who cannot engage in face-to-face interaction with a therapist in Newbury, online and telephone counselling play a crucial role in mental health. Because of the interference caused by Covid-19 and restrictions, remote consultations have become even more important than before.

Any counselling therapy session in Newbury must happen in a secure, safe and welcoming setting, and online sessions are no different. Counselling sessions taken online will use a proprietary user to user data link which is secure and encrypted. This makes certain that the patient and therapist are safe in the knowledge that their conversations can't be recorded or diverted to another computer system or network. Telephone discussions during a session are also secure due to layout of the network and privacy laws applicable to telephone and mobile companies.

There's very little difference between telephone or online counselling and face-to-face counselling; both of them offer an effective treatment procedure which ensures that anyone can express their issues and feelings of depression, anxiety, stress without getting the impression that they are being judged or scrutinised.

Psychotherapy Newbury

Psychotherapy Newbury (RG14)

Psychotherapy is a wide-ranging term which covers a range of treatments focused on people experiencing mental health issues. The interaction between a client and a qualified practitioner offers a beneficial treatment technique for addressing a patient's difficulties with emotions, feelings and associated behaviour.

Group psychotherapy sessions in Newbury can be useful for those struggling with similar disorders, especially to show that the individual is in no way alone with their problem; whereby individualised procedures can result in increased understanding and trust between a client and therapist. In either circumstances, psychotherapy offers a therapeutic treatment to the individuals involved during an interactive and dynamic process.

Improving mental health, and thus a client's quality of life, is the primary purpose of psychotherapy. Professionally qualified psychotherapists in Newbury are required by law to treat all sufferers cases with the strictest confidentiality, and target their physical and mental health issues pre-emptively.

Managing Stress

Over the last year or so, we have become more and more alert to the negative impact that stress has on businesses, employees and individuals. So as to identify, reduce and regulate the issues connected with stress, employers in Newbury need to make certain that they've got adequate measures set up. But how many employers take stress prevention seriously?

With affected individuals under-performing at work by over 30%, and something like one in six employees in Newbury suffering with stress, it's hardly surprising that at some point in our lifetime we're likely to succumb to any one of the various ailments that can be caused by stress and anxiety. In the United Kingdom alone, the latest data suggest that 12.5 million work days are lost each year to stress, which amounts to an average of 30 days of sick leave per year for every person suffering from stress.

Stress Management Newbury (RG14)

The identification of the causes of stress, both on a personal basis and at work, can often be tricky without the help of a specialist. Companies may not immediately appreciate what the causative factors are and why particular symptoms are being experienced by their personnel. Work related stress is extremely common, and there are a number of different reasons why workers feel under pressure and stressed in those environments. The most frequently recorded reasons for workplace stress at this time are high workload demands, taking work home, a lack of equipment, unachievable deadlines and prolonged working hours.

There are various symptoms of stress that you should be aware of, and these include mood swings, panic attacks, recurring headaches, lack of confidence or self-esteem, anxiety and fatigue. Being unable to get a decent night's sleep is another indication that you might have too much to contend with in your everyday life. Pay particular attention to any clear trends that emerge on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, and try to discover exactly what's been causing these problems.

You can start to slowly implement suitable solutions as soon as you have successfully identified the causes, but do not create another pressure situation by endeavouring to resolve all of the problems in one go. You must be preemptive towards stress, and seek specialist advice from a professional counsellor in Newbury, if the issues you're facing cannot be remedied by you on your own.

Taking action on reducing stress in the workplace and implementing positive techniques, for instance stress management workshops or coaching can be crucial to improving the wellbeing factor. By applying these policies, Newbury employers will certainly notice changes like an increase in productivity, higher staff morale, reduced rates of absenteeism and enhanced staff retention. In the longer term companies should always save cash by dealing with these issues, which must be great news in the current economic climate.

At an individual level, getting and understanding of what causes stress ought to be the first step. Stress can be caused by a single situation or can also result from several stressful occurrences that may happen over several months. For so many people in Newbury, it can be literally "the straw that broke the camel's back".

In relation to dealing with your own stress, the best idea is to keep a "Stress Diary" to record your challenging situations. The details that you write down in this will help with the identification of problems, and will be especially useful in detecting specific trends that might emerge.

To keep a Stress Diary, simply write down each and every stressful occurrence over the next 14 days in diary style with a short outline of precisely what caused your stress levels to rise. You should then score each specific event on a scale from one to ten, with ten being the most stressful. If any obvious trends emerge, you can delve deeper into what may be the primary cause of the problems. Please don't attempt to solve all of your problems right away, deal with them in bite-sized pieces and seek some professional help with solving the issues.

Your stress and wellbeing can also be impacted by other factors, such as nutrition, your diet and other life choices. To ensure that your body is getting the right dietary balance and that you also have an exercise plan, it's always worth reviewing the things that you eat and drink. And remember to take a regular break from work to get a breath of fresh air during the day as this will help re-focus you til' the end of the day.

In conclusion, you must not allow the issues you're faced with to develop to a degree where you cannot cope any longer. Although stress related illness is an ever increasing problem, if it's identified in the initial phases, it can be nipped in the bud before it has a negative effect on your personal and working life. (Tags: Manage Stree Newbury, Managing Stress Newbury, Managing Work Stress Newbury, Stress Management Newbury).

Bereavement Counselling Newbury

Bereavement Counselling Newbury (01635)

The death of a loved one can have many different effects on people, some people can handle bereavement and grief, while other folks find it hard. When you're having problems, it's very important not to bottle up your emotions and feelings, and share them with somebody else instead.

The 4 stages of bereavement are generally considered to be; accepting your loss, experiencing the anguish and pain of grief, adapting to life without your loved one, and finally, moving on. It's vital to recognise these 4 stages, as you need to be conscious of which one you are presently at, so as to move on to the next phase. Though you will have heard the maxim often in the past, time is the biggest healer, and as time goes by a lot of the painful feelings will pass. If you really need someone to chat with because you are affected by bereavement, an experienced Newbury bereavement counsellor should certainly be able to help you to get through the worst moments, and move forward with your life.

Why Might I Need Counselling?

You may be wise to get counselling in Newbury if you have issues with anger management, are desperate to break a habit, want advice to plan your future life direction, are worried about suicidal tendencies or depression, need guidance about shyness or communication skills, need to build your self-confidence or esteem, are dealing with breavement, need assistance in getting over a traumatic event or require advice about a relationship.

A Career in Counselling

If you're looking into a career in counselling you can get a host of of invaluable information by visiting the government endorsed National Careers website. You will be able to learn about the average salary of a counsellor, the counselling courses that are currently available, the qualifications needed to be a counsellor, the talents required to be a good counsellor, the usual working hours for a counsellor, the best ways to enter into a counselling career, the professional associations overseeing counselling and the daily tasks of a counsellor.

Counselling Services in Newbury

Newbury counsellors will likely help you with relate counselling, counselling for spiritual issues in Newbury, supervision services, personalised counselling Newbury, rehabilitation counselling Newbury, bereavement counselling Newbury, guidance and counselling, behavioural therapies Newbury, alcohol addiction therapy, self-esteem counselling, spiritual counselling in Newbury, youth counselling, life coaching in Newbury, personal development counselling Newbury, gaming addiction counselling Newbury, bullying counselling Newbury, marriage counselling Newbury, psychotherapy, dynamic interpersonal therapy Newbury, cognitive therapy, counselling for work problems in Newbury, psychosynthesis, couples counselling in Newbury, eating disorder counselling, family counselling Newbury, hypnotherapy Newbury, OCD counselling, low-cost counselling, career coaching, career counselling Newbury, medical counselling, self-harm counselling Newbury, psychodynamic therapies, interpersonal psychotherapy, suicide bereavement counselling and other types of counselling in Newbury, Berkshire. Listed are just a selection of the duties that are carried out by people specialising in counselling. Newbury providers will inform you of their entire range of services.

Berkshire Counsellors

Counselling Depression Anxiety Services Berkshire Counsellors Counsellor Near Me RG14 Newbury Therapy Psychotherapy 01635 Mental

In Berkshire you will likewise discover: Hurley counselling, Sulhamstead counselling services, Waltham St Lawrence counselling services, Aldermaston Wharf counsellors, Great Shefford counselling, Hurst counselling services, Wraysbury counselling services, Finchampstead counselling, Winkfield counsellors, Inkpen counsellors, Hurley counselling services, Twyford counselling services, Barkham counsellors, Old Windsor counselling, Cranbourne counselling services, Mortimer counselling services, Burghfield counselling services, Hurst counselling, Theale counsellors, Upper Bucklebury counselling, Arborfield Garrison counselling, Greenham counsellors, Poyle counselling services, Stratfield Mortimer counsellors, Compton counselling services, Holybrook counselling. All throughout Berkshire it should be possible to track down counsellors who'll provide high quality services for your counselling requirements. If you're unable to find the perfect counsellor in Newbury itself you will surely be able to uncover a decent one somewhere nearby.

Books on Counselling

Any of you eager to swat up on counselling could take a peek at any of the following books: Integrative Counselling Skills in Action by Sue Culley and Tim Bond, On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy, Counselling Skills and Studies (Fiona Ballantine), An Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy, The Beginner's Guide to Counselling & Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Counselling in Action (Michael Jacobs), Counselling: The BACP Counselling Reader (Pat Milner).

Essential Skills for Counsellors

  • They should have good problem solving skills
  • They need to be able to recognise the reactions of their clients
  • They should be able to use a computer and the important software competently
  • They should have sensitivity and understanding
  • They should have excellent listening skills
  • They must be able to embrace constructive criticism and work well under pressure
  • They must have a non-judgemental approach to their patients
  • They will need good interpersonal skills
  • They need patience and the ability to stay calm in stressful situations
  • They need to have good verbal communication skills
  • They need an in depth understanding of psychology
  • They must have a solid ethical code and keep sessions with their clients confidential
Enquire About Counsellors in Newbury (RG14)

Counselling Near Newbury

Also find: Speen counselling, Woolton Hill counselling, Bucklebury counselling, Donnington counselling, Newtown Common counselling, Chieveley counselling, Crockham Heath counselling, Halfway counselling, Wash Water counselling, Inkpen counselling, Snelsmore Common counselling, Upper Bucklebury counselling, Thatcham counselling, Woodspeen counselling, Greenham counselling, Boxford counselling, Stockcross counselling, Bagnor counselling, Benham Hill counselling, Shaw counselling, Cold Ash counselling, Ashmore Green counselling, Hunts Green counselling, Curridge counselling, Marsh Benham counselling, Adbury counselling, Wash Common counselling, Hoe Benham counselling, Enborne counselling, Westbrook counselling, Highclere counselling, Newtown counselling, Winterbourne counselling and more. All of these areas are served by people who do counselling. Newbury residents can arrange counselling sessions by clicking here.

Newbury Counselling Services

Find a Counsellor in Newbury Here
Counselling Services in Newbury Berkshire (01635)
  • Newbury Anxiety Counsellors
  • Newbury Family Counselling
  • Newbury Grief Counsellors
  • Newbury Person Centred Counsellors
  • Newbury Counselling
  • Newbury Marriage Counsellors
  • Newbury Bereavement Counselling
  • Newbury Child Counsellors
  • Newbury Mental Health Counselling
  • Newbury Counselling Specialists
  • Newbury Mind Counsellors
  • Newbury Couples Counselling
  • Newbury Stress Counsellors
  • Newbury Relationship Counsellors

Counselling Around Newbury: Counselling and therapy was recently required by patients living in Town Mills, Bath Road, Southend, Cary Close, Talbot Close, Almond Avenue, Burchell Road, South View Gardens, Brocks Green, Southfields, Bolton Row, Courtlands Road, Digby Road, Battle Road, Strokins Road, Doveton Way, Conifer Crest, Aird Close, St Mary's Place, Slade Hill, Sherrardmead, Douglas Ride, Balfour Crescent, The Marlowes, Boundary Road, The Lines, Cedar Drive, Broadlayings, Cromwell Road and these Newbury postcodes: RG14 1UD, RG14 1JA, RG14 1WJ, RG14 1ET, RG14 1RW, RG14 1UP, RG14 1NY, RG14 1BP, RG14 1NH, RG14 1GE.

To find local Newbury info look here

Counselling Jobs Newbury: If you're hunting for counselling jobs in Newbury look here: Counselling Jobs Newbury

Counselling in RG14 area, phone code 01635.

TOP - Counselling Newbury

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(This counselling Newbury article was successfully updated on 22-06-2022)